Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Leo Wanta Saga, Pt 24: Disturbing Twists and Turns in Release of Wanta Money and $4.5 Trillion for American People

Ambassador Leo Wanta's righteous quest to repatriate $4.5 trillion back into the U.S. economy has taken a twisted and disturbing turn for the worse, according to Michael C. Cottrell, treasurer of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., the corporation formed to distribute the money to the American people.

Cottrell said James R. Wilkinson, deputy national security advisor for communications, last Thursday signed off on the release of the money being held in a Clearing House Interbank Payment System credit account (CHIPS), an account credited to Goldman Sachs and Co. at Citibank.

Wilkinson and Henry M. Paulson, Jr., secretary of the Treasury, are the only two officials with signature approval over the $4.5 trillion Wanta money, but both have failed to comment publicly.

Wilkinson assumed his post in 2003 after serving as Director of Strategic Communications for General Tommy R. Franks. In his present position, he reports directly to the National Security Advisor and the White House with the specific task of crafting long-term messaging for the National Security Council.

However, according to Cottrell, after Wilkinson officially "signed-off" on the $4.5 trillion, disturbing twists and turns began to take place as the funds never were properly directed into Ambassador Wanta's account.

"We tried calling Paulson a week ago, but his secretary told us, point blank, never expect a call back from him - ever," said Cottrell Wednesday in an extended telephone conversation about the reluctance of the highest officials in the land to release trillions that would benefit the American economy.

Instead, after repeated inquiries, Cottrell learned the Bush administration had deviously devised an illegal plan to defraud Ambassador Wanta and, in turn, the American people by diverting the CHIPS account first to the Deutsche Bank/Berlin and then to two other banks.

Cottrell added this method of "signing-off and then transferring credit accounts" is used by less than scrupulous individuals as a financial smokescreen, giving the appearance the money is being released when, in fact, it is being illegally diverted for other purposes.

"They have been lying to everyone and it is clear they never want to release the $1.6 trillion into the U.S. Treasury. They are simply trying to steal the money and it appears they really want to bring down the economy and the country," said Cottrell, referring to the $1.6 trillion to be paid by Ambassador Wanta in federal taxes generated by the massive $4.5 trillion settlement.

Concerning the specific details of how officials are planning to illegally divert the Wanta money, Cottrell added:

"The process involves applying the credit of the Goldman Sachs chip to Deutsche Bank/Berlin's books. And then Deutsche Bank, through its subsidiaries, using that credit, which is illegal, begins doing a buy and sell on bank instruments, deriving a substantial profit which would eventually come back to one of several U.S. banks, for example, Wachovia.

"To verify this we have been contacted by three different credible sources telling us that this is exactly what's going on behind the scenes with Ambassador Wanta's money.

"But the main thing to remember is that the credit chip ($4.5 trillion) at Goldman and Sachs that's under Wilkinson and Paulson's signatures is specifically tagged for AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., /Ambassador Leo Wanta and not for any other purpose which would be highly illegal."

In what has become known in international financial circles as one of the most important and explosive stories in the history of modern banking, the Wanta settlement has been the subject of a Bush administration cover-up ever since Ambassador Wanta entered into an official written agreement in November 2005 to repatriate money for the betterment of the American economy.

Further, in May Wanta verbally agreed to the distribution of the $4.5 trillion with President Bush along with the assistance of one Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) court judge and two U.S. Supreme Court Justices.

The settlement, also negotiated with the help of two major U.S. law firms, represents only a portion of the $27.5 trillion offshore fund established at the end of the Cold War, which is now under the legal control of Ambassador Wanta, as duly appointed trustor, a position given to him by former President Ronald Reagan.

Furthermore, it was always the intention of President Reagan and Ambassador Wanta to use the money for the benefit of the American people. But after Reagan left the political spotlight, Wanta was indiscriminately and illegally jailed by operatives working for the last three presidential administrations, who have instead pilfered the trillions for their own agenda and personal gain.

After Wanta's release from a Wisconsin jail in 2005, he was instructed in a 2003 memorandum opinion by Federal Judge Gerald Bruce Lee of the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Virginia, to try and return the $27.5 trillion to U.S. coffers according to President Reagan's instructions.

The $4.5 trillion settlement is a culmination of his efforts after finding a dark and ominous financial trail of theft, bribery and deception, discovering in his quest to retrace the whereabouts of the offshore money that much of it had been stolen or diverted for private use by the last three presidential administrations.

Wanta also discovered, to his dismay, that a CIA disinformation campaign had been waged, spreading false rumors of his death, making it easier for those criminals inside the government to abscond with trillions.

To date he has provided the Arctic Beacon with documentation of more than $745 billion in stolen funds, including accounts leading to Bush. Sr., Neil Bush and former President Clinton. Wanta added that, at the time he entered into the settlement in May, he had further identified upwards of $2 trillion in stolen funds from accounts under his control, keeping the documentation as financial leverage in case the $4.5 trillion settlement falls through.

And since President Bush was notified in writing of the settlement in July, observers claim his "false American colors" have come shining through as he placed an immediate illegal hold on the money in an effort to protect the "financial dike from exploding" and the criminals in government being exposed, instead of doing the right thing and injecting an immediate trillion dollar boost into the American economy.

Regarding the possibility of a release of the much needed Wanta funds, Cottrell pointed to Sept. 7 as a date to watch. He said this date is important as the Chinese government has verbally backed Wanta's repatriation efforts, linking it together with earned investments owed the Chinese by the U.S. in the amount of $32 trillion.

After learning of the Wanta settlement and the fact the Ambassador was still alive, the Chinese set a Sept. 7 due date for the return of their investment money, long since frozen by U.S. authorities in what has become known as the "China Foundation Money."

"The link between Ambassador Wanta and the $32 trillion owed the Chinese goes back to the days of World War II-Cold War and connections with his Chinese business partner, Howe Kwong-Kok," said Cottrell, who also will appear on Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal, on Thursday at 1pm central at and 2pm central at to discuss the financial details of the Wanta story. "Out of loyalty and respect, the Chinese have thrown their support behind Ambassador Wanta and have applied added pressure so that U.S authorities release the money.

"It is also interesting that Treasury Secretary Paulson is on his way to China Thursday and we will have to wait and see if the administration does the right thing."

In other related financial shenanigans of an estimated $300 trillion in offshore money at the disposal of Bush Sr. and others intentionally diverting it from the American economy, Cottrell reported that $25 trillion of related offshore funds has been illegally sent to India in order to remove the funds from the immediate spotlight being shone into the eyes of the criminal gangs operating at the very heart of the U.S. Government and its structures.

The India connection, previously reported by Christopher Story of the International Currency Review of London, detailed the sophisticated money laundering scheme aimed at defrauding Ambassador Wanta, foreign governments owed money under the Reagan Cold War protocols and, of course, the much maligned American people.

"Specifically, the proceeds of these fund-washing operations are placed back onto the books from which funds were diverted, with the self-enrichment profits being transferred to India in the form of bonds. The key perpetrators of these continuing frauds include the President and Vice President of the United States, George W. Bush and Richard Cheney, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, Dr Ben Bernanke, the Secretary of Defense, Mr. Donald Rumsfeld, and also two successive Secretaries of the Treasury (John Snow and Henry M. Paulson).

Story continued: "Without going into excessive detail, the illegal operations have the effect of laundering U.S. dollars, including American taxpayers' funds of course, off the books, in collaboration with corrupt foreign officials and elected leaders with the crooked, illegal proceeds being placed back onto the books where 'holes' created by previous organized financial scams need most urgently to be plugged.

"These ongoing frauds, sanctioned at the highest levels, enable past giga-financial scams to be covered up while holders of high office participate in successive fraudulent transactions off the books with corrupt foreign counterparties lodging their illegal untaxed profits offshore. The attitude of the criminals involved is that the purpose of holding high office is self-enrichment, rather than serving the US nation and the abused American people."

Besides the Wanta settlement and Chinese money owed, under the Reagan protocols Canada, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Mexico and Spain are involved, having a special interest in the way U.S. authorities handle the Wanta settlement and the offshore money since they are due to be paid $5 billion each. In addition, $30 billion is payable to the Russian Federation.

Asked about the impending worldwide ramifications if the U.S. fails to meet its commitments, Cottrell said:

"The ramifications are, one, that the Chinese will pull the plug on all their credit chips and, two, that all the banks will also withhold or not deal with any transactions that involves the U.S. government.

"In other words, the long term financial ramifications are that the U.S. would become insolvent and go into bankruptcy as the economy comes tumbling down unnecessarily on the American people."

Greg Szymanski

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